Over the years bass fishing has soared to near cult popularity through the years such that there have been so many clubs formed, products made and articles written about it. Here you will read about the types of beginning bass fishing lures you can use.
Included also is a list of the necessary equipment you need when going bass fishing.
There is one type of bass that will eat almost anything, and that is the largemouth bass. From minnows, worms, or other live bait, plus poppers or streamers presented with a fly rod, or plugs thrown from a casting or spinning rod are the type of bass lures you can use.
I suggest that you use a weedless bait since bass is usually associated with weeds. The best fishing time is during the warm months, usually in the morning and evenings. This is because they usually like to stay in warm water and warm weather. You'll catch very few bass during the winter months.
The smal lmouth bass is pound for pound the scrappiest fish among all fresh water bass. Their favorite habitat is rocky streams or lakes where its favorite food, the crayfish, is plentiful.
The best time to fish in a lake is during the month of June after the spawning season, and in early fall. Natural lures like hellgrammites, dragonfly larvae and crayfish are especially useful when used during the early morning or late evening.
The best artificial lures are those who are used on the surface such as light tackle. Fish quietly, cast toward rocks or logs while keeping the line tight and the rod tip up. Many fishermen disagree on which colors to use for their lures. This varies based on the type of bass targeted.
Successful fishing takes more than just a simple fishing rod and some lure. Here are a few tools that will help beginners catch more fish:
" Fishing Rod.
This is the most important piece of equipment and should be carefully chosen. A basic rod-and-reel set is enough for beginners.
You should learn how to use the rod and be comfortable to it before moving to a more difficult type of equipment.
Know what kind of fishing you'll be doing, and under what conditions before you enter the store to buy a fishing rod. Rods are made from different types of materials, from wood laminates to fiberglass to carbon fiber.
Rod handles should fit nicely in your palm. Have the proper length of the rod and practice casting to see how flexible and easy it is to use.
If you want to catch tiny fish or want to use a lighter lure its advisable to use a 4 inch to 6 inch rod. To use larger lure, which gets larger fishes or to cast longer distances, you need a rod of at least 6 inches.
This is a water- resistant covering you wear over your pants to keep them dry that allows you to wade into the water. A lot of these are made like overalls and covers the chest and legs, with boots attached. Ensure that the boots are warm and secure for better balance when walking on wet rocks.
Fishing Vest.
They contain several pockets for storing fish equipments while your hands are free to manage the fishing rod. Should you need to wade out into the water, wearing a vest will allow you to have all of your gear with you at all times. Decide beforehand which gear is essential. Storing too many things in the vest may make it too heavy to wear and this could bring you down.
Tackle Box or Fly Box.
Fishing requires a lot of supplies and you need something big to store all your gears. Get a durable tackle box, in which you can store your entire lure, for easy access.
Beginners with bass fishing only need something small, but the more advanced fishermen require something handier. You should also consider a fly box which will be small enough to fit into a vest pocket and allow you to carry the essentials.
Jimmy Roos is a bass fishing enthusiast. If you are new to bass fishing or you want to become a better fisherman visit his website [http://www.bassfishingguide.info/] and sign up for his free email course filled with powerful tips.
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